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Push for 3,000 Hours

Posted: 01-02-2019 12:25 PM
by Harold Henderson
For the last several months I have been pushing to reach 3,000 hours - now at 2992 (STD). Thought I'd share the last 2 flights in making that goal.

First flight is AAL1830 KCLT-KLAS.

Pushed at KCLT.
KCLT-KLAS01.JPG (173.83 KiB) Viewed 5891 times
Climbing out of Charlotte.
KCLT-KLAS02.JPG (224.45 KiB) Viewed 5891 times
@FL360 above "fly-over country".
KCLT-KLAS04.JPG (63.78 KiB) Viewed 5891 times

Re: Push for 3,000 Hours

Posted: 01-02-2019 12:29 PM
by Harold Henderson
Approaching the Rockies.
KCLT-KLAS05.JPG (85.47 KiB) Viewed 5890 times
Approach into KLAS.
KCLT-KLAS06.JPG (154.47 KiB) Viewed 5890 times
At the gate in Lost Vegas.
KCLT-KLAS07.JPG (197.71 KiB) Viewed 5890 times
This flight should make my total 2998.9.

Tune in tomorrow for the return flight to Charlotte and 3,000 roll-over!

Re: Push for 3,000 Hours

Posted: 01-02-2019 05:06 PM
by Theodore Martin
Congratulations on your hours and your support for our VA.

I really like your second pic climbing out of KCLT...looks good.

Your shot of KLAS reminded me of an issue I just solved last week. As you know I moved to P3Dv4 months ago and with some of the sales this holiday I purchased Orbx's KSAN airport. After installing I did a little flight from KLAS to KSAN. To my surprise my FSDreamteam KLAS airport had all the gates floating 10ft. in the air along with the highways and vehicle traffic around the perimeter of the airport. The taxi way was slit into two layers with the marked/labeled layer floating above me. Only way to taxi to the runway was to utilize the overhead view. After perusing thru FSDreamteam's and Orbx's forums I found there is a file offered by Orbx that fixes "
issue with my custom flatten file..." associated with the Orbx Southern California Region product. Once I install the file and made a couple of other recommended changes, problem solved.

Anyway, didn't mean to highjack your post. Have a good return flight and I may join you if I see you online.

Re: Push for 3,000 Hours

Posted: 01-02-2019 05:29 PM
by Wayne Pierce
Nice goin' Harold. I used to try to keep ahead/on par with you on hours some time ago, but that has fallen short now. I am a little over 2730 hrs.

Probably won't catch you now.

Re: Push for 3,000 Hours

Posted: 01-03-2019 11:12 AM
by Harold Henderson
Flight AAL1830 KLAS-KCLT is in the bag with 5.7 hrs which will push me over 3,000 hours in AAV!!!!!!!!!!

Early morning at the gate in Lost Vegas
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Lined up on 1R and ready to go
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Climb out from the office
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"Fly Me to the Moon" and "Moon River" over my headset
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Dawn. "16 And God made the two great lights—the greater light (the sun) to rule the day and the lesser light (the moon) to rule the night. He also made the stars. 17 And God set them in the expanse of the heavens to give light upon the earth ..." Genesis 1. The Amplified Bible. (1987). (Ge 1:16–17). La Habra, CA: The Lockman Foundation.
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Cruz'n @ FL370
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Re: Push for 3,000 Hours

Posted: 01-03-2019 11:17 AM
by Harold Henderson
Hmmm. Looks like an interesting approach to overcast at 300ft. Looks like I'll miss the bad wx.
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In the soup on approach.
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I see lights!
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Final (spoilers were not really deployed. This is from a replay)
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At the gate in Charlotte.
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Re: Push for 3,000 Hours

Posted: 01-12-2019 04:55 AM
by Hebert Augusto Africano Linares
You made it Harold, that's fine!

Re: Push for 3,000 Hours

Posted: 01-12-2019 03:38 PM
by Michael Blakely
Great shots Harold, and welcome to the 3,000 club.