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Posted: 01-19-2020 03:11 PM
by Wayne Pierce
Nick, If you start your simulator from a saved scenario, the date will always be wrong. The way to overcome that is to have your startup scenario use current date or change it when you start the sim.

The other problem I and others have quite often it is due to errors made by us in filing the FSACARS freps. It will usually take care of itself over time or you need clean out the FSACARS data folder of current dated items. That usually fixes it.


Posted: 01-21-2020 09:12 PM
by Theodore Martin
Nick, I get the duplicate FREP's from FSACARS whenever I don't complete a flight (i.e. CTD, stopped flight before completion due to RW obligation, issues with a/c during flight, etc.). Anytime I don't complete a FSACARS flight the next time I fly and complete an FSACARS flight it will send multiple FREP's.