Yes, a good question the answer is not easy
It depends on the airplane but...
Aircraft categories are based on their approach speed. This maneuvering speed is obtained by multiplying the VSO by 1.3. The VSO is obtained from the aircraft's sink rate in landing configuration (flaps and gear extended).
Speed on the final app.
A 70 - 100 I think it will be a dc3.
B 85 - 130 DC6.
C 115 - 160 MD80.
D 130 - 185 767-300 ER.
E 155 - 230 the Airbus 380.
And every aircraft company and every airplane has its own approach table. Here is the app table of 737 CATI Ils,
What happens when we have to land in an airport because different airports use different tactics, in Europe mostly 180 knots till 10NM, 160 knots till 5NM...
For example here is the chart for my home airport.
I have my A380 according to my landing configuration my speed will be 170. I have to report that to the ATC when? as my first contact.
Descent/timing conversion table
Gnd speed-knts 120/ 140/ 160/ 180
descent angle 3.00º 600 700 800 900
MAP at DO.5 IRR............................................
In this table, you can see the vertical speed that you require for a given groundspeed to follow the glideslope. For example, at 140 knots groundspeed, you will need 700 ft/min as vertical speed to follow the glideslope.
The 3.00 is very important, this shows that this ILS has a 3 degrees glide slope which means it is suitable for autoland.
MAP at D0.5IRR, Missed Approach Point at 0.5 DME of IRR. This we can disregard as this is for a nonprecision approach and the ILS is a precision approach.
Another important thing is the RVR (Runway Visual Range) you can find on the bottom of the chart.
It is the visual range from your airplane to the landing area it depends on your Category and also the radio navigations instruments that you have.
For example, I have in my cart C and D. RVR 600 mts. with full (equipment) and 1300 mts. no equipment.
Another card will be in CAT IIIB - CAT IIIA CAT II... etc and the DA will be No DH, DH 50´, 178´.....
This is all that I know about the Approach speeds. I hope this can help you.