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Hello everyone

Posted: 06-16-2020 10:08 AM
by Robert Simac
Just to say hello to my new VA, from my favourite plane.
This is an (slightly) modified default XPlane MD83. Very light on resources (cpu, ram), and great on FPS.
One can easily fly in background (window) while working on other stuff.
Somewhere between TIIDE and DHART...

Re: Hello everyone

Posted: 06-16-2020 04:50 PM
by Omar Campanalunga
Robert, Welcome aboard and a very nice shot!

Re: Hello everyone

Posted: 06-17-2020 01:08 AM
by Theodore Martin
Welcome Robert, glad to have you with us. I've been hearing and seeing a lot of good things about X-Plane.

Re: Hello everyone

Posted: 06-17-2020 05:41 AM
by Harold Henderson
Glad to have you with us, Robert.

Re: Hello everyone

Posted: 06-20-2020 11:51 PM
by Michael Blakely
Welcome Robert. Nice to have a serious MD-80 pilot back in the ranks.

Re: Hello everyone

Posted: 06-23-2020 10:33 PM
by Todd Meek
Welcome Robert. I have flown on many MD 80 airplanes in real life. No I'm not a real pilot, I was a passenger. They aren't a bad plane but a bit small for my taste. My personal favorite airplane is the Boeing 737-800.