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Fuel Planner
Posted: 11-22-2020 09:16 AM
by Wayne Pierce
From another posting on the management forum;
When did the Fuel Planner go away. I used it every once in a while. Is it not available anymore? Just asking.
Re: Fuel Planner
Posted: 11-22-2020 12:51 PM
by Michael Blakely
As our hosting provider updates the software that our website runs on (PHP and my SQL) our website software needs updates to continue to operate. The fuel planner was authored by a pilot that is no longer active with AAVirtual. It is a complex piece of software that would take me quite some time to figure out in order to update it. I chose to prioritize the forums and ACARS software updates over the fuel planner.
If there are lots of pilots that would like this brought back, I'll move it up in my priority list.
Re: Fuel Planner
Posted: 11-22-2020 08:39 PM
by Wayne Pierce
Thanks for the answer Mike. It is not that important to me, as there are several other ways to get the data it provided. It is not here now and I believe it does need to be redone.