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P3Dv4 cockpits appear dim to me

Posted: 12-22-2020 12:24 PM
by Michael Blakely
I find that cockpits in P3Dv4 seem quite dim. During the day, it seems not much daylight reaches the surfaces. The digital displays are OK, but the other knobs and switches are harder to see than I remember in FSX.

Anyone else have this experience?

Re: P3Dv4 cockpits appear dim to me

Posted: 12-22-2020 02:25 PM
by Wayne Pierce
I do not have the problem during the day.
panel-737 day.jpg
panel-737 day.jpg (228.24 KiB) Viewed 1820 times
Daylight PMDG panel.
panel-737 night.jpg
panel-737 night.jpg (93.32 KiB) Viewed 1820 times
Dome light off.
panel-737 night on.jpg
panel-737 night on.jpg (171.93 KiB) Viewed 1820 times
Dome light on.

Changing the HDR setting to off/ on do not do much. The Brightness control is only available with HDR on and it works better at night for the panel but blows the color out during the day.

Re: P3Dv4 cockpits appear dim to me

Posted: 12-22-2020 04:36 PM
by Wayne Pierce
Also I do not have the "Internal vehicle shadows" activated, do you. The lighting in the Prepared is great and I like the shadows, but the cockpit shadows are a little much at times.
Just saying.
Below the first picture is with the cockpit shadows turned on. QW B787
The second is with them turned off.


Re: P3Dv4 cockpits appear dim to me

Posted: 12-24-2020 04:40 PM
by Michael Blakely
Wayne, that was it! I turned off the in-cockpit shadows and that totally lit up the panels. Thanks.

Re: P3Dv4 cockpits appear dim to me

Posted: 12-24-2020 08:11 PM
by Theodore Martin
Mike, I noticed the same earlier this year. Here are pics I took to compare FSX and P3Dv4. Both are from my iFly 737NG.
The pedestal in FSX
The pedestal in FSX
iFly 738 WS Pedestal - FSX.JPG (247.63 KiB) Viewed 1797 times
The pedestal in P3Dv4.5
The pedestal in P3Dv4.5
iFly 738 WS Pedestal - P3D.JPG (217.25 KiB) Viewed 1797 times
And at a broader scale I've noticed my colors were more vivid in FSX than in P3D and the quality was not as sharp. I figured it was a config problem and I started trying to adjust using HDR and the brightness/contrast controls. Here are two shots I took, when first getting P3D running, at an Alaskan airport (I think Juneau) from the same perspective and at the same time.
Screenshot - FSX.JPG
Screenshot - FSX.JPG (242.66 KiB) Viewed 1797 times
Screenshot - P3D.JPG
Screenshot - P3D.JPG (233.29 KiB) Viewed 1797 times