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Almost 20 years

Posted: 11-19-2021 10:29 PM
by Rafael Fonseca
Hello fellow pilots,

2022 will see 20 years that AAV has been in existence. As a founding member, I'm so very happy and proud it still exists. AAV is the product of many talented and dedicated people, some still here, some who have left their legacy and moved on. You see some of their names in the "sticky" posts in many forums here. The management team is top notch and on par with any of the best of the past managers.

The first idea that brought all of this together was a love of aviation in the real world. 20 years ago, Microsoft Flight Simulator evolved to the point of being able to fly airliners or commercial aircraft. FS9 or Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004, saw the ability of flying together in real time. We started as a fictitious regional carrier called Air Puerto Rico with our main hub at TJSJ. We had a desire back then to simulate American Airlines back then, but many real world (RW) airlines considered using their trademarked branding and logos as a legal violation. Eventually, American Airlines saw the wisdom of granting limited license to use their logos as long as we did not make a profit or detract from their profit. It became free advertising for the RW airline and good public relations. We have never made a profit to date and what we do has been a "labor of love". I think we like to view AAV as a "serious" hobby.

I'm going to skip over a lot of problems after Microsoft abandoned flight simulation after FSX. X-plane and P3D never offered as robust an simulation immersion as FS9. The coming of MSFS2020 has renewed my love of simming and my optimism for a continued future of virtual airlines. On a personal note, about six years ago, I began to lose my vision due to being a lifelong diabetic. Currently, I am legally blind. In short, I'm really near-sighted. Accessibility software allows me to fly in the virtual world. One of the things that separated AAV from other virtual airlines was attention to detail in learning and using aeronautical principles and corporate structure in our simulation. We endeavor to make this VA "as real as it gets". That learning in association with this VA has made it relatively simple to carry on flying.

In a way, being vision impaired makes IFR flight more simple. I only have to see the panel! And runway lights are easy to see by design.

Re: Almost 20 years

Posted: 11-20-2021 11:20 AM
by Omar Campanalunga
I'm so glad you're back with us, your contributions are still valid and I count on you for at least 20 more years :wink: .

Re: Almost 20 years

Posted: 11-21-2021 08:33 AM
by Harold Henderson
Rafael, thanks to the early vision and guidance of you VA pioneers and leaders who have allowed many others like me to enjoy a taste of our shared passion for taking free wing as the birds do.

As parents take justifiable pride in their children, many of us have experienced the justifiable pride when things we have "birthed" - whether software, a product, or a book, or an important idea/concept, etc - make a meaningful positive impact in the lives of other people - even more so when the impact is world-wide as is the membership of AAV! You have very good reason to take pride in what you and a few others "birthed" and have guided through the years.

Not only has AAV had a world-reaching impact, it has also created deep friendships. Through past personal contact, in-person meetings, and past Group-Fly-Ins I have developed many close friends through AAV. I can think of their name and a smile comes to my mind and face - some are still with AAV but others have moved on. Legends have been birthed here - the DFW goat pen (and, now, the struggling Phoenix herd), the "FO Steve Dunlop" sagas, as well as friendly banter and even some good natured "ribbing".

Sorry to hear about your loss of vision but also very glad to hear you have been able to adapt. I'm in the early stages of vision deterioration from Macular Degeneration, but I too have a plan! I have a 9 year old grand-daughter whose career aspiration is to be a pilot and astronaut - and I believe she will do both. I just picked up and moved from my hometown of 50 years to Knoxville, TN within a 14 minute walk of Sydney and sister Emma (also my daughter and son-in-law). Sydney's already had several training flights in the MSFS 172 and is progressing well. 6 year-old Emma wants to be an engineer and loves starting the engines in PMDG's DC-6! I'm training my replacements. One day Sydney, and perhaps Emma, will join AAV and Papa may become their co-pilot. That's my plan.

Rafael, AAV has had a bigger impact than you might have thought. Your pride in your baby is well deserved! Here's to 20 more years and the lives that will be enhanced!

Re: Almost 20 years

Posted: 11-22-2021 09:59 AM
by Theodore Martin
Rafael - 20 years....WOW...I didn't realize AAV has been around that long. Thank you and the other founders for creating such a OUTSTANDING VA. The effort, dedication, and foresight you founders put into this organization is testimony to the longevity of this VA. The idea of not only making it a fun hobby but also making it a learning platform was great and is what made me join this wonderful group. Again thank you and the founders.

I am sorry for your vision issue but I'm also glad you are able to continue virtual flying and enjoying what you have created.

Harold - Didn't know you moved from Reston to one of my old stomping grounds. I spent many years in Knoxville attending UT. I know you will enjoy being close your family.

Re: Almost 20 years

Posted: 11-22-2021 10:47 AM
by Rey Ramon
I'm not crying......dust in my eyes.

Re: Almost 20 years

Posted: 11-22-2021 07:42 PM
by Todd Meek
Rafael I thank you and the originating team for starting this VA. I've been here for a while myself, but 20 years and still going is quite the achievement. I agree that we have a solid management team and it reassures us that a founding member can be proud that we are continuing the legacy that you helped start. I have really enjoyed my time with this VA and I'm proud to represent it online when I'm flying. I am sorry to hear about your eyesight going, but glad to hear that you have found ways to overcome it and continue your passion of flying. Where there's a will, there's a way.

Re: Almost 20 years

Posted: 12-01-2021 12:38 PM
by Abe Werda

Re: Almost 20 years

Posted: 12-30-2021 07:52 AM
by Maratib Ali
i have been part of this VA for 10 years now, i started flying VA on a 2G internet connection just enough to fly on vatsim , and 50MB free aircraft used to take 4 hours to download, it good to be part of this VA for so long, all the VA system FREP's FREQ's etc has been great.

Diabetes is bad disease , managing blood suger levels is the key and following doctors advice, i have seen some people on steam not being able to play games they wanted because of this and playing only games with mouse and keyboard , good health to you.