FSACARS multiple FREPs
Posted: 12-26-2021 05:16 PM
We are seeing some FSACARS clients sending duplicate copies of flight data and this is causing multiple FREPs. You might see this if after sending in an FSACARS FREP, you go to the Edit A FREP page and see multiple copies. Hub managers will also see multiple FREPs and may be contacting you thinking you have erroneously submitted multiple copies.
Although I can't change how the clients are behaving, I think I can update the website to filter out these extra copies.
Starting down this path now. Wish me luck.
We are seeing some FSACARS clients sending duplicate copies of flight data and this is causing multiple FREPs. You might see this if after sending in an FSACARS FREP, you go to the Edit A FREP page and see multiple copies. Hub managers will also see multiple FREPs and may be contacting you thinking you have erroneously submitted multiple copies.
Although I can't change how the clients are behaving, I think I can update the website to filter out these extra copies.
Starting down this path now. Wish me luck.