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MSFS 20' or 24'

Posted: 06-19-2023 09:00 AM
by Michael Natale
Hello all, past and inactive member looking to go active again with buying either the new 24' edition or is everyone thinking that 20' has the bugs worked out and will be a better platform. I have no PC yet but it will be PC based with specs to meet a high end run.....any thoughts?

good to see some familiar names still with this group! Hope all is well with you

Mike Natale AAV1094

Re: MSFS 20' or 24'

Posted: 06-20-2023 07:11 AM
by Harold Henderson
Welcome back.

The only MSFS sim available now is 2020 and it works well. 2024 is just an ill-defined promise at this time.

Re: MSFS 20' or 24'

Posted: 08-15-2023 10:28 AM
by Robert Simac
Regarding the MSFS2020 I can recommend it fully, together with freeware Flybywire A320Neo (Dev version).

However, and it happened today, thus the post, beware of the ditch across KDFW 36R. It appeared today at my last leg , just as I touched down, across the entire runway. Nice, deep, well-defined ditch...

Unlike X-Plane, MSFS in its infinite wisdom does not think we deserve replay or analysis, so there is no way to replay and report this to anyone, with any evidence... This is not the first time the runway obstacles appeared to me, there was at least one occasion when uneventful landing is abruptly stopped by instant obstacle...

However, other than above anecdotes, MSFS is such a pleasure to 'play', I mean I am spending quote a lot of time 'looking thru the windows', the sceneries are just beautiful... Also, unlike X-Plane, at least for me, MSFS never 'crashed' or froze during my flights. Granted there is awfully long game startup time, but afterwards things are pretty smooth even with modest GPU (1060)...
