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Online Callsigns

Posted: 11-08-2003 04:57 PM
by Rafael Fonseca
Fellow pilots:

When flying on VATSIM, please use the traditional American callsigns: AAL and EGF. We know who we are, the Hub Managers know who we are and there is no need to rub anyone's nose in it for the sake of identity. This will also make it easier for novice VATSIM controllers and anyone with an "attitude".

When flying in a Group Fly-In, use your AAV pilot number as a callsign, but with an AAL prefix. For example, my Fly-In callsign would be AAL11.

I have updated the pilot handbook as well to reflect these changes in policy. Thank you. :)

Posted: 11-08-2003 05:00 PM
by Rafael Fonseca
Also, you no longer have to put in your SquawkBox flightplan. Again, the virtual community knows who we are and I believe "our reputation preceeds us" to use a James Bond novel line.


Posted: 12-10-2003 08:15 PM
by Jose Suarez
Rafael thanx for the update.