Screenshots! Dummy

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Wayne Pierce
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Re: Screenshots! Dummy

Post by Wayne Pierce »

Mr. Dummy, (Marc). There are several ways. First get a subject worthy. Use your favorite screenshot software, and most of it should be a freebie off the internet. Use the program to edit it and make the size <=1000 pixels wide. Now you have two ways of showing it; first upload it to this site via the forum writing place where you called your self a Dummy. Scroll down and look for the line that says upload attachment. click on that and choose file, upload and VOILA! I use preview to get the right size and look. This is the simplest way. Or else you need to upload it to a server and include it as an img or a url file.
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Wayne Pierce
Screenshot Contest Winner x24
Screenshot Contest Winner x24
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Re: Screenshots! Dummy

Post by Wayne Pierce »

I use any and all the below; (basic freeware)
I like this the best as it to me is the easiest and it makes large full size images from your screen (basic freeware)
This is good for quick snapshots to put on the web

Adobe photoshop 7.0 (not freeware) but Photoshop elements comes sometimes free with computer and program bundles. (basic freeware) I use a paid version of this for video movies.
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