Loading JPEG image to topic window

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Loading JPEG image to topic window

Post by Michael Natale »

I followed Sergio's directions on resizing and saving the image file as a .jpeg. I cannot load/move this photo into the topic window in the screenshot entry forum. Anyone with a minute to give me a hand? Thanks a bunch

Mike N AAV1094
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Wayne Pierce
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Re: Loading JPEG image to topic window

Post by Wayne Pierce »

OK ready here we go;
1st, pick the forum you would like to put the photograph. It should be sized and saved on your computer in a place which you can remember where it is and get to it easily, I put it on the desktop for ease of use.
2nd,choose new topic in the forum you want, you must give it a subject name and a text in the body of the message. I test them first to see if it will work by using a . (period as that is a character for the computer).
3rd, under the bottom of the message body is the words save, preview, submit. On the left under that is a heading line that says "upload attachment". Click onthat then on "browse" and it will open a screen as to where you find the picture you want to upload on your computer.
4th, find the picture on your computer and click on the name with your mouse and it will bring the name to the bar which says filename. Then click on "add the file". Now if the file is too large it will tell you in large red letter it is too large. Then you have to resize it.
5th, it is OK the you type in the message area what you want to say. I always use preview to look at what I am doing to make sure it looks perfect for viewing. You can only upload 3 pictures at a time which is why so many replys are in the forum.

That's how it is done thri the AAV site. If you have a private server storage somewhere you can put in a link to the picture and it will access the linked picture that way also. Which that way you can put in as many pictures you want and not use the AAV server space.

That is all, have questions ask.
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