Reinaldo Adderley Enters 4th Decade

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Harold Henderson
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Reinaldo Adderley Enters 4th Decade

Post by Harold Henderson »

I'll bet there are few, like me, able to celebrate your birthday this early on New Year's day, but, I would venture to say they are older (and obviously much wiser).

Having completed three chronological decades should have provided sufficient wisdom to at least now be able to predict disastrous consequences for over celebration of your birthday as the clock first ticks into your day. I'm sure you now know why Jan 1 8am birthday parties are so sparsely attended with many even being postponed to Jan 3rd. I certainly hope that is not the case for you.

May you have a great birthday today surrounded by friends and family who feel up to joyous celebration for the notable event of your entry into a new decade!!
Wisdom begins when you finally realize someone else is in charge of the universe.

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