Can't connect to vatsim

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Rey Ramon
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Can't connect to vatsim

Post by Rey Ramon »

I've been trying to do a flight this AM, but for some reason FsInn is not working right for me. I'm running FS9 and FsInn for this flight (I only have pmdg 738 for fs9). So after Fsinn starts up and it tries to connect to the session, it is not connecting to vatsim...and I get the little red dot on the FSFDT control panel telling me I'm not connected to the FWINN multiplayer. I've never had this issue before. As far as I can tell..I believe VATSIm servers are up and running. Vatspy is showing current download info and planes are I'm thinking it's my setup. Any suggestions.
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Re: Can't connect to vatsim

Post by Rey Ramon »

So just fired up FSX and decided to do my flight in the super80 professional. i worked with no problem. Still using FsInn. not sure what is up. I just flew a flight in FS9 and FsInn a few days ago with no issue. Oh well, at leas it works in FSX.
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Re: Can't connect to vatsim

Post by Theodore Martin »

Could it have been someone was online using the flight number you were attempting to use?
Theodore "Ted" Martin
DFW Hub Mgr.

Rey Ramon
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Re: Can't connect to vatsim

Post by Rey Ramon »

Yeah the bridge is starting. And it's not even an issue of someone else using the same callsign. I did not even get far enough to be able to log onto VATSIM. It has to do with FsInn being able to connect to vatsim (before I can attempt to log on to vatsim). Fsinn is orange and vatsim does not even show up on the left hand side of the control panel. Very odd.
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