There has been a lot more recent discussion about this same item in the forums.
In Vatsim you may use almost any callsign you want, but they recognize our virtual airlines by the industry standard call signs for real world airlines.
AAV POH - SECTION 6.0 - Dispatch Center and Flight Planning
6.1 - American Airlines Virtual Designators and Call Signs
We do have an understanding with VATSIM to be able to use the AA as our callsign. Some controllers will not recognize it and want you to change. They are uninformed. You may have to address the issue of the AA with some controllers on line, but the choice is yours.
I keep a copy of the above letter handy and if a controller questions my use of the AA, I paste the letter back to them on the chat channel they opened up.Gentlemen here is the final word on callsign from Vatusa1. As you read the email I remind you that we are free to use our two letter callsign AA. So there is no question keep flying with AA.
Good evening gentlemen,
VATUSA has received several reports of late citing incidents of controllers refusing to provide services to pilots and their aircraft when their chosen callsign does not meet some standard the controller believes should be met...the most notable being applied is the ICAO three-letter callsign system. Doubtless, you are all aware that the IATA code system, though not used in the real world, is a two-letter identification system.
The simulated flight environment supported on VATSIM is just that - a hobby oriented online simulation. Additionally, when one considers there are many virtual airlines enjoying VATSIM, there may more than one mimicking its real-world counterpart; i.e., there are several virtual American Airlines, Southwest, United, etc. As expected, there may be several iterations of callsigns used by these VAs to distinguish themselves from their "competition."
As long as the callsigns are NOT identified by VATSIM as illegal, improper or otherwise derogatory or in bad taste, there is no reason to refuse ATC services to anyone within the VATUSA Division based on their chosen callsign. Further, such refusals will not be tolerated. Continued reports of such actions will result in disciplinary measures.
If there is a question as to the legality of any callsign seen on the network, please request a Supervisor's assistance.
Please ensure this is understood at all levels of your respective ARTCCs.
Thank you,