Anxiously waiting to see other's inputs to discussion. Also would like feedback on TrackIR from anyone that is using or purchased it and not using it now. Ted Martin
Ted, I have the Track IR. It is plugged in but have not used it since I went to P3D. The program allows my 3 monitors to span much better than FSX and have not found a need for it.
When I did use it, I kept having to shut it off to operate the aircraft in virtual cockpit as it looked everywhere I looked, which was not the best thing. And It gave me a real good case of Vertigo, BAD.
With the 3 screens I see the same field of view as with the track IR by using the space bar + mouse key function, only at my own pace.
Edit; and Ditto with Harold's comment below.
Last edited by Wayne Pierce on 06-14-2018 11:28 AM, edited 1 time in total.
Harold Henderson wrote:IMO TrackIR is great in combat sims like DCS and helpful for helo's in FSX/P3D but not really that useful for airliners.
That is exactly why I am asking the question. Was thinking of joining DCS and trying my hand at combat. I've since discovered that my graphics card is not supported by DCS, so once I upgrade it (for P3D) I'll come back to considering combat.
Wayne - thanks for the response. I remember we talked about it previously and that it did give you vertigo.