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Re: Change Hub.

Posted: 03-12-2010 08:44 PM
by Norberto Rivera
Most of the answers to your questions, especially starting out with AAV will be in the Pilot's Operating Handbook. In this case you should contact your hub manager and request a transfer.

Re: Change Hub.

Posted: 03-12-2010 08:48 PM
by Wayne Pierce
Carlos Gomez wrote:I will fly the ATR72. I was seeing and I noticed that the only Hubs avaible for the ATR72 are KFDW and TJSJ. So I would like to change this my HUB to TJSJ. Is this posible. Who I need to contact?
Carlos this is right out of the Pilots handbook.
You don't need to change Hubs to fly the ATR

Note for AEV Pilots (Pilots Ranked as Trainee or Second Officer): AEV pilots may fly any routes designated for either Trainees or Second Officers. These routes can be identified by the fact that they will specify the use of either turbo-prop or regional jet equipment. The only restriction is that if you are a Trainee, you may only fly the routes in aircraft rated for Trainees, i.e. turbo-props. If you are a Second Officer, you may fly the routes in either the regional jets or the turbo-props. Please be careful if selecting a regional jet route to be flown in a turbo-prop aircraft. Some of these routes exceed the normal range of the turbo-prop aircraft currently used by American Airlines. For more information, contact your Hub Manager.