FSacars & Parking Brake

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Wayne Pierce
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Re: FSacars & Parking Brake

Post by Wayne Pierce »

ALex, The parking brake goes off at your departure and it can be put on many times there for holding, etc. Once you are at your arrival airport, it is set ONCE and then it is read as the arrival time.

I have a bad habit of always stepping on my pedals to realease the brakes before I am actually going to move andthat starts the FSACARS ahead of time. Now I wait until I am ready to go and then click the start log button. Or if I don't I get an incorrect departure from gate time and inflated total hour time, especially on GFI's where we log on an hour early at times to get prep.
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Wayne Pierce
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Re: FSacars & Parking Brake

Post by Wayne Pierce »

Alex George-john wrote:Thanks Wayne,

Yeah I guess that would be a hard habit to correct for you! I would love to join in on the GFI's!! I set up vatsim and I am using sqwakbox 3. But! It connected once, now everytime I try to connect it sais its unable.
Alex ,That is no problem It sometimes takes me 2-3 trys in a row to connect and it will do it. A few things to note about SQB, like FSINN the maker of the program, SQB, is no longer around, so there are no updates or patches. When one connects you may get errors messages which will have the boxes that say (retry, cancel, ignore) ONLY click the ignore box or else your FS program will crash to desktop. THis is a program fault which there is no fix. And once in a while you will lose the radio connect and the Ident mode box. The only way I can get that back is to disconnect and connect immediatly and it will come back on.

Last edited by Wayne Pierce on 04-03-2011 03:20 PM, edited 2 times in total.
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