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MD-80 Proficiency, finally

Posted: 10-15-2011 07:43 PM
by Michael Blakely
I've done a 4 flight FREQ with all the same equipment, the MD-80, and I finally feel a bit proficient in it. I can even find the switches on the overhead without searching for 45 seconds for each one.

Re: MD-80 Proficiency, finally

Posted: 10-15-2011 10:05 PM
by Michael Blakely
I use the checklist from the Super 80 Pro manual. It's about 30 pages. I highlight the steps I need to take, so I can skip the ones that aren't necessary (e.g. items related to checking switch states that are known good when starting cold and dark, or items that are not simualted).

Re: MD-80 Proficiency, finally

Posted: 10-16-2011 05:31 AM
by Michael Natale
Mike, if you like the super 80 you'll LOVE the MADDOG!!!!. If you are proficient in your "flow" with the Flight 1 product, the MADDOG is an easy transition with a lot more to offer. I personally thought the super 80 was awsome until I tried the MADDOG. Shameless plug for the MD80 series here; such a cool old bird.


Re: MD-80 Proficiency, finally

Posted: 10-16-2011 10:44 PM
by Michael Blakely
Michael Natale wrote:Mike, if you like the super 80 you'll LOVE the MADDOG!!!!. If you are proficient in your "flow" with the Flight 1 product, the MADDOG is an easy transition with a lot more to offer. I personally thought the super 80 was awsome until I tried the MADDOG. Shameless plug for the MD80 series here; such a cool old bird.
What does the MADDOG add?

Re: MD-80 Proficiency, finally

Posted: 10-17-2011 09:33 AM
by Michael Natale
The MADDOG has more realsitic failure logic. If you don't request de-icing in severe icing conditions you will be lose an engine from ice ingestion after take-off. It also simulates auto generated failure (if you want) for preset values e.g every 1000/500/250 hrs. You select the parameters. I was flying the other day and had an engine fire, just beacuse of the failure setting I choose months ago. I was destined to have some type of failure within that hour range I selected (CSD/GEN failures APU fires, hung starts and hot starts you make the failure you want or let the manager give you one at random.It comes with a great normal and ab-normal procedures guide to get you through everything.It comes with an excellent load manager as well. Liveries include the AA MD-82 as well as an Alaska Air model. You have the choice of a modern EFIS config or an old style analog display which you can choose before each flight. DATA for reduced weight/assumed temperature adjustments for take-off. This is just a through design. The older stlye (PMS) that you would be used to in the Super 80 is essentially the same, however it comes with an FMS which handles your lateral course only. No mess loading the flight plans like the Super 80 can be (in my opinion it was combersome to laod a flight plan sometimes) I could go on Mike,.. if you like I can send you a copy of the FLight Manual. It would be a quick read becasue you are used to the Sper 80. Once you get used to the flow, it is a very realsitic simulator. They say that the MADDOG is it's own sim that uses FS9/FSX as opposed to FS9 using the aircraft add-on. Keep the blue side up Boss....


Re: MD-80 Proficiency, finally

Posted: 10-17-2011 11:07 AM
by Michael Blakely
Michael Natale wrote:if you like I can send you a copy of the FLight Manual. It would be a quick read becasue you are used to the Sper 80.
Wow, now I see. I'll take a rain check on the manual for now. My next target is the Concorde-X. That should take a while to master.

Re: MD-80 Proficiency, finally

Posted: 10-17-2011 01:25 PM
by Wayne Pierce
Michael Natale wrote:The MADDOG has more realsitic failure logic.
Yeah, well I am a big failure at it.
I have had the Maddog 80 since it came out and I CANNOT GET IT STARTED WITHOUT THE ENGINES CATCHING FIRE. I have tried all the checklists. I have never "flown" the airplane. I will not start for me. I have read and copied starting list after list from the forum. I just cannot do it. So my Super 80 comes to the rescue each and every time, of which I am pretty good at this one. :)


Re: MD-80 Proficiency, finally

Posted: 10-18-2011 09:41 AM
by Michael Natale
I had a similar problem with one of the models; just one in particular. All theothers I never had an issue. When I tried to start the engines, each time I had a hot start. I went to the manager application and re-set all failures. I then went to the MADDOG pull down menu within FS9 and reset all failures. Fixed it with no problem.

I'm with you on the Concord Mike, beautiful add on with what seems to be some very complex systems simulation. Enjoy...