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Recurrent training

Posted: 02-26-2012 10:38 AM
by Kyle David
Hello greetings to my fellow crew members I hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday evening. I'm here because I recently thought about a new idea for our va. What if we decided to have recurrent training for each pilot such as requiring a checkride with the aircraft in our ranks every 6 months with holding procedures, engine outs etc. Also require everyone to do it before submitting te next FREQ. It does sound like alot of work and planning but I think it will benefit all of the pilots here and we would appear even more standardized compared to other vas.
Any suggestions? Comments?

Re: Recurrent training

Posted: 02-26-2012 12:23 PM
by Michael Blakely
Excellent suggestion and a lot of fun. All we need to do if re-fill our checkpilot ranks so we can process the check rides. See this post: ... 21&t=18004

Re: Recurrent training

Posted: 02-27-2012 01:23 AM
by Theodore Martin
I think it is a good idea but I would not hold a person's FREQ awaiting a re-certification. I know when I was coming up through the ranks sometimes it would be a month or so before I could spend any time working a checkride. I think a yearly (instead of every six months) re-certification would be a great idea.

Re: Recurrent training

Posted: 02-27-2012 11:22 AM
by Wayne Pierce
Kyle, we in the training department have talked at lengths about this type of subject. Not "recertification" per se, but addon certificates.
I cannot see taking a recert checkride in the times you suggested. That would logistically be tough with our resources. A voluntary yearly recert to maintain your rating may be the way to go.

Those of our pilots whom just fly only FMC, GPS routings miss out on all the benefits of using the FS program to the fullest. I mean not using the NAV radios, or compass, etc..

We were looking into "certifying" different aspects of flight with different aircraft. This would not be related to the RETRO checkride. We have nothing specific, it was just discussion.

The idea behind our graduated checkrides is to get each one of us to utilize the real world procedures and hopefully use them each time we "fly". They get more invovled each time one takes a checkride.

As the ATR is phased out from the AAL real world, things need to start changing in the way we do business. So if one is interested, seriously, to take more certifications checkrides, something could be done.

Of course as always if one brings up an idea, they have to fall in line to help out. :D


Re: Recurrent training

Posted: 02-27-2012 12:16 PM
by Eliezer Resto
Hello im a RW captain with american eagle in atr-72 and yes we have to go to the academy every 6months one is recurent flight training and the other 6 months is a checkride. Its a good idea but for new guys and once in a while for seniors. In real world the FO goes every year of checkride and the other year recurent flight training that includes all manuvers approaches and emergency procedures. Any questions you can ask me.will cyaaaa!!!

Re: Recurrent training

Posted: 02-27-2012 11:26 PM
by Rey Ramon
Although the idea is not a bad one, I agree with Wayne P. I feel our resources are stretched as is, and we are in need oh more checkride pilots with our current load. Adding more required checkrides would only serve to make the fun out of this hobby for our current pilots. Perhaps a yearly optional checkride would be more appropriate...or yearly for lower ranks, and every other year for higher ranks.

Re: Recurrent training

Posted: 02-28-2012 08:51 PM
by Kyle David
Hello all. Thank you for the input it was very interesting to hear each opinion.

Re: Recurrent training

Posted: 02-29-2012 02:31 PM
by Arturo Carvajal
Yearly mandatory checkride!!! as is in comercial pilots licence.
Checkrides are fun and challenge. Why not ?
Happy flights
Arturo Carvajal

Re: Recurrent training

Posted: 03-02-2012 03:52 PM
by Wayne Pierce
Richard Devaney wrote:I'm not a big fan of mandatory checkrides. Even our promotion of rank or endorsement checkrides aren't mandatory. After a few years simming, I am still enjoying my hobby completely. :D
Xactly ! This is a hobby and a fun one at that. There are only two mandatory items in the AAV; 1.The acceptance checkride for hiring. 2. The file one FREP each 30 day ruling, which one knows before they step in the door, but , but it seems many pilots are not adhereing to. And yes I know real world items do get in the way.

No one says that one has to move up in the ratings. If you do not though, you cannot fly, for the AAV, any larger aircraft than the present rank allows, except for GFI's and Theme flights.

If one wants to stay at the trainee rate, so be it. DFWT was brought about in the hopes it would generate some greater interest in moving up in the ranks while learning about the ways and means of the AAV. There are several pilots still on the roster whom are trainees, and seem quite content to be there, and they don't have to move. I always suggest they move on out of the training HUB, but...

In my reply to the original post, I did say that any recert items would be voluntary. Again nothing has been planned,just talked about amongst a few of us.

I like this thread. It has some good potential for action.


Re: Recurrent training

Posted: 03-08-2012 09:14 AM
by Michael Blakely
Something like for the year you hold the recurrency, you get a 25% time bonus to your FREPs or something.
Oooo! A carrot instead of a stick. Nice idea.

Re: Recurrent training

Posted: 03-08-2012 08:27 PM
by Todd Meek
I've been reading this thread and kind of seeing where it's going before I threw in my opinion. I actually think that a yearly checkride to refresh or critique a pilots performance is a good idea. I think 6 months is a bit much. I would have to say that Wayne is going to need some help though with this requirement as alot more checkrides will need examined. Now from a Hub Manager standpoint is there going to be a tool generated to keep track when a pilot is due for his yearly or is the Hub Manager going to be responsible for keeping track of all his pilots yearly exams? Doesn't really matter to me just curious if we do decide to take up this idea.