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Posted: 09-19-2012 12:50 PM
by Theodore Martin
Thanks for the great photos. I saw the news flash on my photo this morning and soooooo wanted to actually see the shuttle. I looked at the planned route hoping they would do a few low passes over Dallas but looks like they will bypass Dallas for El Paso. I even briefly thought about driving to Houston to see it but quickly discarded that thought.

So your pics are the next best thing to being there. Wish I could have seen it up close and personal! :)


Posted: 09-19-2012 01:26 PM
by Maratib Ali
Well according to me they should have never stopped flying those baby's to space,the russian rockets they use as alternative are even older than this one and they have to takeoff from somewhere in asia,so continuing this project would have been less expensive,plus why retire when something is working fine,i just can't understand,there is an airline in iran which operated 707 until july or september of 2012,such a long time and now retiring,they had spare parts they should have continued shuttle program or developed a new one.Great photos though,you shouldn't call yourself bad photographer,they take similar pics but with more hi resolution cameras.