1. Assuming the vatsim filed flight, it starts by connecting to vatsim server and gathering the current flightplan for selected vatsim ID (see example below)
2. It waits, and at the end of xplane flight, parses the Xplane own Data.txt file (no plugin required, native xplane data), get the rest of the data required for pilot report.
3. TBD: By means of HTTP GET/PUT/whatever, sends the pilot report to the virtual airline of your choice, in any format they like (TBD)
Below is the actual functional example, covering my AAVirtual scheduled flight today. It lacks the step where all of this is sent to my VA. This is the step I may need some help.
I do have internal fsacars (windows utility) data format as it is sent to VA, but unsure of details on what exact is mandatory by server side. If only the basic fields currently present are accepted, that would be sufficient for the start, and much better than current manual web form FREP submitting. This is the truncated fsacars way of pushing the data to virtual airline server:
This is the sample run of my script:(Note the sample is running on windows, but the intention is to fill the gap on non windows OS)GET /demo/pirep.php?user=N298A&pass=mypassword&aircraft=Cessna%20172SP%20&lat1=29.991741&lon1=-95.351442&lat2=29.993500&lon2=-95.355030&latland=29.993499&lonland=-95.355085&dateshort=07/06/2020&datestamp=1594079798&timeout=03:
C:\Users\user\eclipse_workspace\sandbox\pyacars>c:\mytools\python35\python.exe pyacars.py --vatsimid 904506 --data "f:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\X-Plane 11\Data.txt"
2020-07-22 17:23:57,625:INFO: Querying the active vatsim flights at: http://cluster.data.vatsim.net/vatsim-data.txt for Vatsim user ID: 904506
2020-07-22 17:23:57,836:INFO: Found current user vatsim flight: {'': '\n', 'protrevision': '100', 'clienttype': 'PILOT', 'time_logon': '20200722200444', 'transponder': '474', 'planned_destairport_lat': '0', 'planned_destairport': 'KTRI', 'planned_depairport_lon': '0', 'heading': '1', 'planned_revision': '5', 'planned_minenroute': '57', 'time_last_atis_received': '20200722200444', 'planned_tascruise': '467', 'facilitytype': '0', 'planned_deptime': '2015', 'planned_depairport_lat': '0', 'longitude': '-82.40647', 'rating': '1', 'planned_destairport_lon': '0', 'groundspeed': '6', 'planned_aircraft': 'E170/L', 'planned_flighttype': 'I', 'callsign': 'SKW4857', 'planned_hrsfuel': '2', 'latitude': '36.47952', 'planned_depairport': 'KATL', 'planned_altairport': 'KCVG', 'QNH_Mb': '1019', 'planned_remarks': '+VFPS+/V/AAVIRTUAL.COM', 'planned_route': 'SMKEY2 HUCHH SOT HMV', 'frequency': '', 'planned_minfuel': '31', 'planned_actdeptime': '2015', 'QNH_iHg': '30.08', 'realname': 'Robert Simac KRDU', 'atis_message': '', 'planned_altitude': '31000', 'altitude': '1522', 'cid': '904506', 'planned_hrsenroute': '0', 'visualrange': '0', 'server': 'USA-EAST'}
2020-07-22 17:23:57,836:INFO: LINE: SKW4857:904506:Robert Simac KRDU:PILOT::36.47952:-82.40647:1522:6:E170/L:467:KATL:31000:KTRI:USA-EAST1:474:0:0:5:I:2015:2015:0:57:2:31:KCVG:+VFPS+/V/AAVIRTUAL.COM:SMKEY2 HUCHH SOT HMV:0:0:0:0::20200722200444:20200722200444:1:30.08:1019:
Please make sure the X-Plane simulator session is finished. Press Enter to start processing x-plane data file: f:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\X-Plane 11\Data.txt
2020-07-22 17:23:59,265:INFO: Processed 478 xplane data records
2020-07-22 17:23:59,265:INFO: Record timestamps: Pushback:842.24194(20:17:53), Takeoff:1992.73364, Landing:4484.98047, Parking:4765.15039(21:23:13)
2020-07-22 17:23:59,265:INFO: PIREP record:
"lon1": -84.42335,
"fueldiff": 2861.4477500000003,
"lonland": -82.40546,
"timeoff": "20:37:03",
"landingFPM": -33.71941,
"landingFR": "VFR",
"lat2": 36.47986,
"lat1": 33.64022,
"blocktime": "01:05:22",
"atcdata": "/904506/SKW4857/SKW/E170L",
"callsign": "SKW4857",
"planned_destairport": "KTRI",
"planned_depairport": "KATL",
"atcModel": "E170/L",
"actualNM": 249.9758,
"blockfuel": 2861.4477500000003,
"fuelstop": 5953.87354,
"enroutefuel": 2220.3378900000007,
"datestamp": 1595448284,
"dateshort": "07/22/20",
"landingLBS": 58006.05078,
"latland": 36.47736,
"timoday": "Day",
"aircraft": "E170/L",
"timeon": "21:18:33",
"directNM": 197.19689926191288,
"landingKTS": 137.12988,
"lon2": -82.40644,
"taxifuel": 641.1098599999996,
"timeout": "20:17:53",
"timein": "21:23:13",
"fuelstart": 8815.32129
2020-07-22 17:23:59,275:INFO: Appending pirep record to local file: pirep_history.json
2020-07-22 17:23:59,285:INFO: Done with pirep processing.